Thursday, March 17, 2005

Corned beef and steroids

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I find it kind of odd that such a festive occasion is being combined with the Congressional hearings on steroid use in Major League Baseball, but I digress... So far, Sammy Sosa, Frank Thomas, and Rafael Palmeiro have denied using steroids. Mark McGwire, on the other hand, will not answer whether or not he or his teammates have ever used performance enhancing drugs. Very interesting, Big Mac. You could be using this opportunity to clear your name but instead you are pleading the 5th. Maybe there really is some truth to Jose Canseco's allegations then. As for Curt Schilling's presence, all I can figure is that there are some huge Red Sox fans in Congress and they just wanted to stick it to the Yankees since two of their players (Giambi and Sheffield in case you've been living under a rock) have already admitted taking 'roids. So kids, remember the wise words of Mr. Mackey on South Park: "Drugs are bad umm kay."

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