Friday, April 07, 2006

The land of Wrigley is in my soul...

Come on Cubbies let the good times roll! Today was the home opener for the Cubs. It was glorious as the boys in blue beat the evil Cardinals 5-1. Maybe this is just my early season optimism talking, but they actually looked good. And I was lucky enough to watch the game since we got to leave work early due to the threat of severe weather. I've gotta say that Memphians must have the thinnest skin ever because this is our 3rd weather related work stoppage of the semester. Granted, tornadoes aren't anything to mess around with, but when I left the office at 12:30, the sun was shining. However, I am certainly not going to complain, especially on a Friday. GO CUBS GO! Keep up the quality pitching, fielding, and hitting and we might even make it to the playoffs this year.

Speaking of awesome baseball, the Memphis Tigers have just won their 4th game in a row. I am so proud of their turnaround. All of you C-USA foes better take notice. GO TIGERS!

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