Saturday, June 17, 2006

It's time to hop on board the CWS bandwagon

If you want some good old-fashioned wholesome entertainment this week, then look no further than the College World Series:

I don't understand why this NCAA tournament does not excite the majority of Americans. Last night, I was out on the town and was really curious about the Cal St. Fullerton-North Carolina baseball game, which was tied when I left my apartment. You would think that it would be easy to find the score on my cell phone since I have the following sports websites on Media Net: ESPN, CBS SportsLine, Yahoo Sports, & Sports Illustrated. But noooooooo-none of these sites even mentioned college baseball. Oh sure, I could have read a whole article about J.J. Redick's DWI or Ben Roethlisberger's careless motorcycle accident, but I couldn't get these vital stats. The top 8 college baseball teams in the nation are in Omaha fighting for a national championship, and no one seems to care. It's a shame, really. If you would like to watch a baseball game that is untainted by steroid use or skyrocketing salaries, then please tune in to the CWS on ESPN and ESPN 2. Get hip to aluminum bats. PING!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would say "Go Tarheels!" but I'm a little late, now. Still, we had a good run and ALMOST made it...