Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Elvis rocks!

Tonight's Idol was awesome! Taylor and Elliott performed the heck out of their numbers on Elvis theme night. Taylor sang "Jailhouse Rock" and it was entertaining and very fitting. However, Mr. Hicks really brought down the house with his soulful version of "In the Ghetto." Chris did a nice job with "Suspicious Minds", but I found his adaptation of "A Little Less Conversation" to be a little boring. But Chris gets props for saying he was trying to be "true to Elvis." Elliott probably had his best night ever by doing his own take on "If I Can Dream" as well as a stellar rendition of "Trouble." Finally, Katharine really had an off night which could signal the end of the road for her (sob, sob, sniff, sniff). How you can forget the words to a medley of "Hound Dog" and "All Shook Up" is beyond me. Facing away from the camera did not fool the audience nor the judges, sweetie. If she would have been singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart" (turn around bright eyes, turn around...) maybe that move would have worked. Anyway, Katharine ended with "Can't Help Falling In Love" which she butchered. That is one of my favorite songs and it was a screechy mess. Fox, I have the McPheever and the only prescription is more Advil. Ouch! Hopefully America gets it right and votes her off this week. Let's hear it for the boys-you did Elvis proud!

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