Wednesday, May 10, 2006

We can't go on together with suspicious minds...

America, you got it wrong. Chris should NOT have been the one voted off tonight. That dubious honor should have gone to Katharine. I am shocked and disappointed. However, I am glad that Taylor and Elliott were in the top 2 because they really deserved it. Chris will thrive and survive, but no thanks to those of you who didn't vote (or wasted your vote on that off-key, lyric-forgetting fashion violation).

On an unrelated note, please think positive thoughts for the Cubbies. They have lost 8 in a row and are in danger of being the team that gives up the home run that makes Bonds tie and/or go ahead of the Babe. I'm afraid to watch... Anyway, keep your fingers crossed that the Cubs can at least pull out a W when I am at Wrigley Field this Sunday. GO CUBS GO! LET'S GET SOME RUNS!

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